Petrology: The Study of Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks by Loren A. Raymond
720 pages, $119.95 list
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The Study of Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks
Second Edition
Petrology—the study of the nature, composition, origin, and history of rocks—is central to understanding Earth history. As students of the planet Earth, every geologist must have a solid foundation in petrology, regardless of specialization or interest. Raymond lays this foundation by articulating the textures, structures, mineralogy, chemistry, and classification for each class of rocks—igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. That background then leads to discussions of representative occurrences and petrogenesis. Plate tectonics is discussed from the very beginning and incorporated wherever petrogenesis is discussed in the book.

The text is designed for the undergraduate geology major’s first course in petrology. Reflecting students’ needs, Raymond’s presentation is uncluttered, well organized, and readable. He presents petrology as a vibrant, evolving discipline both by providing conflicting points of view to make contemporary theory more meaningful and by discussing the historical development of petrological ideas.
Table of Contents

1. Rocks and Earth Structure
Introduction / The Three Classes of Rocks / Rock Distribution in the Earth / Earth Structure and Petrotectonic Assemblages


2. Igneous Rocks: Their Structures and Textures
Introduction / Recognition of Igneous Rocks / Structures of Igneous Rocks / Textures of Igneous Rocks / Origins of Igneous Rocks

3. Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Classification of Igneous Rocks
Introduction / Chemistry of Igneous Rocks: An Overview / Igneous Minerals / Textural-Mineralogical Classification of Igneous Rocks / Chemical Classifications / Classifications Using Multiple Criteria and Tectonic Setting

4. The Phase Rule and Phase Diagrams
Introduction / Systems and the Phase Rule / Unary Systems / Binary Systems / Ternary and Other Multicomponent Systems / Bowen's Reaction Series

5. Petrogenesis, Movement, and Modification of Magmas
Introduction / Primitive, Primary, and Parental Magmas / Magma Genesis / Magma Movements / Modification of Magmas / The Formation of Rocks

6. Basalts and Ultramafic Volcanic Rocks
Introduction / Basalt Types and Derivatives / Occurrences of Basalts / Basalt Chemistry, Mineralogy, Textures, and Structures / Specific Occurrences and Origins of Basalts / Ultramafic Volcanic Rocks

7. Rhyolites and Pyroclastic Rocks
Introduction / Mineralogy, Textures, and Structures of Rhyolites / Chemistry of Rhyolitic Rocks / Occurrences / Petrogenesis of Rhyolites / Rhyolite Volcanism: The Yellowstone Example / Other Pyroclastic and Volcaniclastic Rocks

8. Andesites and Related Rocks
Introduction / Mineralogy and Textures of Andesites / Types and Occurrences of Andesites and Related Rocks / Chemistry of Andesites / Petrogenesis of Andesites / Examples of Andesite Origins

9. Ultramafic-Mafic Complexes and Related Rocks
Introduction / Kinds of Ultramafic and Ultramafic-Mafic Rock Bodies / Occurrences of Igneous Complexes Containing Ultramafic Rocks / Chemistry, Minerals, Textures, and Structures / The Nature and Origins of Ultramafic-Mafic Complexes

10. Granites, Grandiorites, and Related Rocks
Introduction / Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Textures of Granitoid Rocks / Occurrences of Granitoid Rocks, Their Tectonic Significance, and Granitoid Rock Typing / The Origins of Granitoid Rocks / Example: The Tuolumne Intrusive Series, Sierra Nevada Batholith / Example: The Rattlesnake Pluton, Massachusetts: A Case with Peralkaline Rocks / Pegmatitic Granites and Aplites

11. Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Carbonatites
Introduction / Rock Types, Minerals, Textures, Structures, and Chemistries / Occurrences / Petrogenesis of Alkaline and Other Odd Magmas and Rocks / Examples of Alkaline and Related Rocks


12. Sedimentary Rocks: Their Structures, Textures, and Compositions
Introduction / Structures of Sedimentary Rocks / Textures in Sedimentary Rocks / Mineralogy of Sedimentary Rocks / Chemistry of Sedimentary Rocks

13. Classification of Sedimentary Rocks
Introduction / Classification of Group S Rocks / Classification of Group P Rocks / Classification of Group A Rocks

14. Sedimentary Provenance, Processes, and Diagenesis
Introduction / Weathering and Provenance / Transportation of Sediments / Diagenesis

15. Sedimentary Environments
Introduction / Types of Sedimentary Environments and Their Deposits / Continental Environments / Transitional Environments / Marine Environments

16. Mudrocks
Introduction / Types and Occurrences of Mudrocks / Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Colors of Mudrocks / Structures and Textures of Mudrocks / Contemporary Settings of Mudrock Deposition / Ancient Mudrocks

17. Sandstones
Introduction / Sandstone Classifications and Textures / Sandstone Compositions / Sandstone Structures / Occurrences and Origins of Wackes / Occurrences and Origins of Arenites / Sequences with Mixed Sandstone Lithologies

18. Conglomerates, Diamictites, and Breccias
Introduction / Distinctions between Major Types of Coarse Clastic Rocks / Textures, Structures, and Compositions of Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks / Origins of Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks / Examples

19. Carbonate Rocks
Introduction / Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks / Mineral Compositions and Chemistries of Carbonate Rocks / Textures and Structures of Carbonate Rocks / Occurrences and Origins of Carbonate Rocks / Examples

20. Cherts, Evaporites, and Other Precipitated Rocks
Introduction / Cherts / Evaporites and Related Rocks / Ironstones and Iron-Formations / Phosphorites


21. Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rock Textures and Structures
Introduction / Definitions: Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks / Agents and Types of Metamorphism / Structures and Textures of Metamorphic Rocks

22. Metamorphic Conditions, Classifications, Mineralogies, Protoliths, Facies, and Facies Series
Introduction / Mineralogy, Protoliths, and Rock Chemistry / Classifications of Metamorphic Rocks / Conditions of Metamorphism and Petrogenetic Grids / The Facies Concept / Facies Series

23. Metamorphic Phase Diagrams
Introduction / The System SiO2-CaO-MgO-H2O-CO2 as a Model / The ACF Diagram / The AFM Diagram / The CFM Diagram / Other Diagrams / Mineral-Facies Charts

24. Contact Metamorphism
Introduction / Facies and Facies Series / Conditions of Contact Metamorphism / Processes in Contact Metamorphism / Mineralogical Changes During Contact Metamorphism

25. Regional Metamorphism Under Low to Medium P/T Conditions: Buchan and Barrovian Facies Series
Introduction / Buchan Facies Series / Triple-Point Rocks / Barrovian Facies Series / Migmatites

26. High P/T Metamorphism: Franciscan and Sanbagawa Facies Series and the Origin of Blueschists
Introduction / Occurrences / Mineral Assemblages, Facies, and Textures / Petrogenetic Models / Example: Regional High P/T Metamorphism of the Franciscan Complex, California

27. Eclogites and Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism
Introduction / Occurrences and Mineralogy of Eclogites / P-T Conditions, Natural High-Pressure Phase Assemblages, and Associated Phase Topologies / Examples of Eclogite Occurrences / Petrogenesis of Eclogites / Ultrahigh-Pressure (UHP) Rocks

28. Dynamic Metamorphism
Introduction / Occurrences of Dynamoblastic Rocks / Rock Types, Textures, and Structures / Minerals and Facies of Dynamoblastic Rocks / Processes During Dynamoblastic Rock Formation / Example: The Brevard Zone, Southern Appalachian Orogen

29. Alpine Ultramafic Rocks and the Mantle
Introduction / Occurrences of Alpine Ultramafic Rocks / Distinguishing Features of Alpine Ultramafic Rocks and Rock Bodies / The Nature of the Upper Mantle: A Brief Survey / Serpentinization / Examples of Alpine-Type Ultramafic Rocks


30. Petrotectonic Assemblages
Introduction / Rocks and Plate Boundaries / Conclusion
